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New Brunswick NJ 08901
Henry Guest House Digital Archive
John Adams to Henry Guest, February 5th, 1811.
Immediately the newspapers appeared full of paragraphs and speculations recommending a vigorous prosecution of the war, especially in Spain both by pamphlets issued from the press urging and elaborately proving the policy and necessity of a vigorous prosecution of the war and especially in Spain. The conversation of the same Man of Letters and all other persons at the Coffee Houses was now is the time to humble the House of Bourbon by vigorous persecution of the war and especially in Spain. It was not long before the City of London advanced with an address to the Queen humbly recommending to her Majesty a vigorous prosecution of the war, especially in Spain. This followed by addresses in the same strain from various other cities and corporations in all parts of the kingdom.
In the due course of time, Parliament met and was opened by a speech from the Throne in which the Queen recommended to her faithful Lords and Commons, a vigorous prosecution of the war especially in Spain. The speech was answered by the House of Lords and House of Commons assuring Her Majesty of the zealous support of her faithful and loving subjects in vigorous prosecution of the war, especially in Spain.
The war was prosecuted till the allies were exhausted and compelled to consent to the Spanish Succession in the Treaty of Utrecht.
I fear Napoleon is pursuing Mesneger's Policy and that he will have Mesneger's success.
I am Sir your good friend
John Adams
I have sent your prayer to Mr. Murray
Henry Guest Esqr. |
Photostat copies of this letter were given to the New Brunswick Free Public Library in 1931. The original is still in private hands.